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Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences (KITS) at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) in Beijing
发布时间:2016-03-30 作者: 【字号:   【点击率: 打印本页 关闭


  Directorship Recruitment 


  The University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) invites applicants for the position of Director of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences (KITS) in Beijing, P.R. China. (see http://www.ucas.ac.cn/). 


1.      About KITS

  KITS is developed from the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics China, established in 2006 as an international exchange and cooperation platform. KITS is now one of the 17 network members of the Kavli Institutes worldwide.  

  Relying on the research institutions of CAS, KITS aims to establish a top international center for theoretical sciences, to carry out fundamental research on theoretical sciences and interdisciplinary research among physics, chemistry, biophysics, cosmology, geonomy, mathematics, etc.  

  KITS plans to host long-term programs, short-programs, mini-programs and flexible programs, to provide high level of academic exchanges and to act as a cooperation platform for the global theoretical scientists. 


2.      Requirements and Responsibilities

  Applicants must have an exceptional research record in the areas of theoretical sciences. Applicants must possess proven experience in managing and directing large-scale scientific research programs.  

  Applicants are expected to provide global vision, scientific leadership and administrative authority, and to have a view of promoting the long-term development of KITS.  

  Applicants are expected to make achievements on establishing the institute development strategy, recruiting, training and promoting of excellent international young scientists, carrying out high-level international academic exchanges and cooperations, etc. 


3.      Salary and Benefits

  The annual salary is equivalent to the standard of similar international institutions. Specific treatments are negotiable.  


4.      Application materials and Submission

  Application materials should include cover letter, curriculum vitae, publication list, and three recommendation letters from prominent scientists. Please send your materials to the CAS Bureau of Frontier Sciences and Education by Feb 28, 2016 and confirm by telephone.  


5.      Contact information

  Dr. Peng Yang 

  Room 1107, CAS Bureau of Frontier Sciences and Education,  

  No. 55, Zhong Guancun East Road, Beijing 100190, P. R. China. 

  Tel: ++86-10-68597230 

  Fax: ++86-10-68597371 

  E-mail: pyang@cashq.ac.cn 


6.      Search Committee Members:

  En-ge Wang (CAS) 

  Xiao-gang Wen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 

  Gang Su (UCAS) 

  Zi-shan He (Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University) 

  Shou-Cheng Zhang (Stanford University) 

  Zhong-can Ouyang (Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS) 

  Hong-jun Gao (CAS Bureau of Frontier Sciences and Education) 

  Xin-cheng Xie (Peking University) 

  Qi-kun Xue (Tsinghua University) 

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